How to Plan a Dinosaur‐Themed Birthday Party
How to Plan a Dinosaur‐Themed Birthday Party
A dinosaur birthday party can be great if your child loves dinosaurs. There are many fun ways to involve dinosaurs in party planning. You can decorate with things like footprints and plastic dinosaurs. Make refreshments shaped like dinosaurs for guests. Plan activities, such as scavenger hunts, that involve dinosaurs.

Assembling Decorations

Send out creative invitations. Get the theme going right away with the right invitations. When sending out invites, pick cards that use a dinosaur theme. You can try dinosaur-shaped cards, or cards that are embellished with drawings of dinosaurs. If you want to make the cards yourself, or if your child does, buy some blank cards. Handwrite information on the front like the date, time, and so on. You can cut out cardboard shapes of dinosaurs using stencils and paste them on the inside of the invitations. You can also use stickers to decorate invitations.

Lead guests to the party with dinosaur footprints. Using stencils and cardboard, cut out a variety of prehistoric footprints. Have footprints of multiple different dinosaurs. Have them running up your walkway into your home. If you live in an apartment, talk to your neighbors. Ask them if they would mind if you added some footprints in the hallway just for the day.

Decorate the tables. You can opt for decorative tablecloths, which you can buy at most department stores, decorated with images of dinosaurs. However, you can also use different tones of green or gray tablecloths and decorate from there. For example, lay down a gray tablecloth and scatter fake leaves over it. You can make the leaves yourself using stencils and cardboard or purchase fake leaves. Then, you can place plastic dinosaur toys running down the center of the table. This creates a fun, prehistoric theme.

Hang photos. You can stop by a local party store or print out photos of your own. Having photos hung up of dinosaurs all over the wall will really set the dinosaur theme. You can also do cutouts of different dinosaurs that you can buy online. You can do cartoonish dinosaurs, using supplies from a local party store. You can also print out pictures of realistic dinosaurs. If you use realistic dinosaurs, try printing out information about them too. This will help kids learn while enjoying the party.

Planning Refreshments

Stock up on frozen dinosaur-shaped foods. Dinosaur-shaped food is a popular kid's dish. Stocking up on frozen foods you can easily cook in the oven before the party starts is a simple way to serve refreshments that speak to the theme. You could, for example, spread dinosaur-shaped chicken tenders on a plate for kids. You can also opt for dinosaur-shaped mac and cheese. If you're serving baked goods as a refreshment, opt for dinosaur-shaped cookies. If you have dinosaur-shaped cookie cutters, make your own cookies using them.

Make dinosaur-shaped sandwiches with cookie cutters. You can easily make dinosaur-shaped sandwiches for refreshments. Simply cut out two slices of bread using a dinosaur-shaped cookie cutter. From there, add the ingredients to one slice of bread and then top it off with the other. Sandwiches are great if you have multiple children attending with different dietary restrictions. You can have gluten-free sandwiches, nut-free sandwiches, and so on.

Serve green and red drinks. Green and red drinks will remind guests of lava and swamps, two things associated with the dinosaur-age. Serve drinks of this color, and call them things like "Lava Juice" and "Swamp Punch." A fun thing to do with swamp drinks is to place gummy fish and worms in them. For example, use a green drink, like Mountain Dew, and have a few Swedish fish placed at the bottom of the cup. Go for fizzy red drinks, such as red sodas, to give them a lava-like appearance. You can also add a scoop of sherbet on top of the glass to create an extra fizzy appearance.

Decorate the cakes with dinosaurs. A dinosaur cake is a must for a birthday party. When it comes to creating a dinosaur cake, you have many options. You can draw a dinosaur on with icing, along with the words "Happy Birthday." If you're not skilled at decorating yourself, you can have a cake custom made at a local bakery. You can also use small, decorative toys to decorate your cake. For example, add a dab of green food coloring to vanilla frosting to create a grass-like appearance. Then, put small plastic dinosaurs on top of the cake, as well as tiny plastic trees, rocks, and so on.

Use decorative plates. Serve food on plates decorated with dinosaurs or a general prehistoric theme. You can get cartoon plates with dinosaurs at a local party supply store. You can also buy dinosaur plates online if you cannot find any there.

Having Dinosaur-Themed Activities

Create a dinosaur mural with guests. Run to your local newspaper office and ask to buy a roll of newspaper prints. Tape the print along a wall and provide things like crayons and markers. Have guests participate in drawing a mural of a prehistoric scene. You can also have kids cut out dinosaur shapes using stencils and cardboard and then tape them on the mural. With very young children, supervise the entire time. You want to make sure children do not draw on your walls.

Have a dinosaur scavenger hunt. Hide a variety of small plastic dinosaurs around the house. Give kids lists of which dinosaurs to find and have them team up to look. You can do something similar to an Easter egg hunt, placing dinosaurs in eggs. You can hide dinosaurs anywhere in your home. Hide them in a bookshelf, a desk, behind a curtain on a window, or in a closet. For an outdoor hunt, it can be fun to bury dinosaurs in a sandbox. This way, kids will feel like they're digging up fossils.

Make stencil dinosaur t-shirts. Stock up on a variety of plain white t-shirts at a department store. Have kids use stencils and fabric paints to create their own dinosaur t-shirts. Children may have strong preferences regarding their favorite type of dinosaur, so provide multiple different dinosaur stencils. It's a good idea to have more than one of each type so kids don't get impatient taking turns.

Play dinosaur tail limbo. You can create something resembling a dinosaur tail by drawing one on poster board and cutting it out. You can also use a leftover tail from a kid's dinosaur costume. Put on some fun music and use the tail as a limbo stick.

Get a dinosaur piñata. Kids loves piñatas, so a large dinosaur shaped piñata can be a great addition to the party. You can usually find a piñata at a local party supply store or department store. You can also buy one online. Stock it with candy and treats. For fun, go for dinosaur-themed candy. You can opt for poprocks or dinosaur-shaped gummies. You can also add small rubber dinosaur toys to the piñata.

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