How to Unmute Notes from an Account on Instagram
How to Unmute Notes from an Account on Instagram
Instagram's latest feature lets you share updates as short text posts with certain people who can then reply to them using direct messages. Notes can be up to 60 characters in length and they appear at the top of your followers' chats list for 24 hours. If you accidentally mute notes from any of your friends, this wikiHow article will help you to unmute them!

Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone. Log in to your account, if you haven't already done so.

Go to the Instagram profile of the account you want to unmute. Tap the search box and search for their username to go to their profile.

Tap on the Following v button. It will be located right after the “Message” button. This will open a menu panel with few options.

Tap on Mute. It will be the third option on the list. This will lead you to the “Mute” settings.

Unmute notes. Tap on the blue switch Android 7 Switch On next to the “Notes” text to unmute the notes. The blue switch will turn to grey, which means you are done. Once the user posts a note on their account, it will show up on your direct messages tab. That's it!

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