How to Use an Electric Smoker
How to Use an Electric Smoker
Using an electric smoker can be a great way to get into smoking your own meats at home. Unlike traditional charcoal smokers, which have to be monitored closely, electric smokers make it possible to slow-cook meats without checking on them constantly. Just season the item you’re smoking, choose your preferred time and temperature settings, and let the smoker take care of the rest. Your meat will be smoked to perfection within a few hours.

Setting up Your Smoker

Season your electric smoker if it’s your first time using it. “Seasoning” an electric smoker involves running it while it’s empty to eliminate dust, odors, and solvent residue left over from the manufacturing process. First, rub each of the smoker’s interior surfaces, including the racks, with cooking oil (any variety will do). Then, turn it on and let it run for 2-3 hours at 250–275 °F (121–135 °C). After seasoning your electric smoker, turn it off, open the door or hood, and allow it to cool off completely before using it or handling any of its components. Different smokers will have slightly different seasoning procedures. Some newer models don’t need to be seasoned at all. Be sure to follow the specific instructions outlined in your smoker’s user manual. You should only have to season your smoker once, when it's brand new. After that, repeated use will help preserve the protective oil layer on the interior surface.

Turn on the smoker. Hit the power button on the front side of the smoker to activate it. This will put your smoker into standby mode—it won’t actually begin preheating until you’ve programmed it to your desired time and temperature settings. Don’t forget to make sure that your smoker is plugged in, and that there’s nothing obstructing the power cord. If it comes unplugged while in operation, you’ll have wasted not only hours but pounds of good meat.

Add the recommended amount of wood chips to the built-in chip tray. On most models, the chip tray is located on the lower right side of the machine. Pull out the tray and pack it with your chips of choice. Once it’s full, slide it back in and turn the handle counterclockwise to dump the chips onto the internal heating element. A good rule of thumb is to use about 4 cups (600 g) of chips for every 3-5 hours of smoking you plan on doing. This means you may have to replenish the chip tray at regular intervals. Always use hardwood chips in your smoker, such as mesquite, apple, pecan, birch, or hickory. Soft wood, like fir and pine, burn fast and tend to produce unappetizing flavors.

Preheat the smoker to 200–225 °F (93–107 °C). If your smoker features a digital control panel, press the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the temperature as needed. For smokers with manual temperature knobs, turn the knob until the indicator points to your preferred temperature setting. Allow up to 30-45 minutes for your smoker to finish preheating. For most meats, 200–225 °F (93–107 °C) is considered the ideal smoking temperature. However, the type of meat you’re smoking can influence your temperature settings. Read the guidelines provided with your smoker to learn more about suggested smoking temperatures.

Place a full container of water at the bottom of the smoking chamber. Once your smoker has finished preheating, fill the small metal cup included with your machine with hot water and slide it into its designated slot at the bottom of the smoker. If your smoker doesn’t have a separate slot for the water cup, simply set it on the floor of the chamber. The steam created as the water evaporates will keep your meat moist. Using hot instead of cold or room temperature water helps to ensure that the smoker remains at the optimal temperature. Be careful putting the water cup inside your smoker, as it will be extremely hot. If you like, you can add apple juice, wine, or beer, or another flavorful liquid to your smoker’s water cup to infuse your meats with complex aromatic notes.

Smoking Your Meat

Season your meat with a dry rub or marinade to add flavor. Now that your smoker is ready to go, it’s time to prepare the items you’ll be cooking. Coat heavier cuts like ribs, brisket, and pork shoulders with an even layer of dry rub spices for maximum flavor. Soak more delicate meats such as chicken, fish, and chops overnight in your favorite acid-based marinade. You can find dozens of tantalizing homemade dry rub and marinade recipes with a quick Internet search. While seasoning isn’t an essential step, it’s a simple way to enhance the natural flavor of your meat.

Place your meat directly on the racks inside the smoking chamber. Use a long-handled meat spatula or tongs to transfer the meat to the smoking racks safely. Arrange the meat according to how the racks are set up—situate the biggest items on the wide lower racks and save smaller ones for the upper racks. You may need to insert heavy cuts of meat like pork butts or racks of ribs by hand. Be sure to pull on a thick pair of barbecuing gloves before doing so to protect yourself from burns. To prevent the smoke from escaping, try to only leave the door open for as short a time as possible.

Close and lock the door of the smoker. Swing the door shut, then flip the latch beside the handle to secure it. Locking the door will prevent it from swinging open accidentally and letting out heat or smoke. Always open and close the door on your smoker using the built-in handle. The metal on the surrounding parts of the door can get extremely hot, and may burn you if you're not careful.

Smoke your items for the length of time called for by the recipe. This could be 2-8 hours, depending on the type of meat you’re working with. Refer to the recipe you’re following for a more accurate sense of how long your items will need to smoke. In the meantime, avoid opening your smoker unless it’s to top off the water bowl. Unlike other cooking methods, smoking is all about patience.

Add more wood chips or water as needed while your meat smokes. A good way to know whether you need more wood or water is to watch the smoke. As soon as it stops, open the smoking chamber and refill the water cup to the top. Then, load another 1-4 cups (150-600 g) of wood chips into the chip tray, slide it back into place, and resume smoking. Keep in mind that just because the chip tray is empty doesn’t necessarily mean you should replenish it. In fact, many barbecue aficionados insist that most meats can be smoked satisfactorily using a single tray. Over-smoking your meat can cause it to come out tasting burnt and unpleasant.

Allow your meat to rest for 15-20 minutes before eating. When your items are fully cooked, turn off the smoker, unlock the door, and carefully remove them from the racks. Set them aside on a separate surface to cool. Once the meat has reached a safe temperature, serve it up and watch it disappear! Use a meat thermometer to test the internal temperature of your items and see if they’re ready to come out. If your meat isn’t quite done, it may need to go back on the smoker for 1-2 hours, depending on the recommended internal temperature. Transfer any leftover portions to an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. They should keep for at least 4 days, though they may last much longer if you haven't cut into them yet.

Cleaning Your Electric Smoker After Each Use

Unplug the smoker and allow it to cool completely. Before you begin cleaning your electric smoker, make sure it’s cooled down enough for you to handle its interior components and surfaces safely. Press the power button to turn the smoker off, then remove the electrical cord from the wall outlet to make sure there’s no electricity running to it. Failure to unplug your smoker could put you at risk of burns or electrical shock, even if it’s turned off. To ensure that all of your cooked items come out with the perfect smoked flavor, it’s recommended that you clean your smoker every time you use it.

Take all removable accessories out of the smoker. This includes the smoking racks, water cup, and chip tray. The racks and chip tray should simply slide out, while the water cup often sits loose at the bottom of the smoking chamber. Set these items aside nearby so you can easily replace them when you’re done, or clean them separately if needed. Don’t forget to empty and rinse out the water cup if there’s any water in it that’s been used previously.

Use a damp paper towel to brush out any large pieces of debris. Scrape large food particles and lingering fat residue out the front of the open smoker. Have a broom and dustpan on standby to sweep up the remnants when you’re done. If there’s a lot of leftover debris your smoker, it may be a good idea to stretch out a layer of paper towels in front of your smoker to catch the stuff you brush out. Afterward, you can simply fold it up and toss it in the trash.

Scrub the inside of the smoking chamber thoroughly with soapy water. For maximum cleaning power, use a kitchen sponge or stiff-bristled brush to work the soap solution in deeper and lift away greasy messes. Make sure you hit the inside of the door as well as all 3 walls and the floor and ceiling. If your smoking racks are especially dirty, go ahead and give them a quick scrub while you’ve got them out. You can run the water cup and chip tray through the dishwasher, or rinse them under a faucet to wash away a light coating of ash or soot. Avoid using steel wool or other abrasive cleaning tools. These may leave behind scratches on the interior surfaces of your smoker. If it’s been a while since you last cleaned your smoker and you notice mold growing inside, run it empty for 3-4 hours to burn it out before scrubbing it by hand as usual.

Wipe out the smoker using a clean, wet cloth. Once you’ve scrubbed out your smoker, give it one more quick pass to clear away the soap solution. You can also mist it with some clean water in a spray bottle if you don’t want to dirty up anything else. Consider adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar to your spray bottle to cut through any particularly stubborn. If you have a smoker with an exposed heating element inside, avoid spraying it directly.

Pat the smoker dry with a clean rag or folded paper towel. Run your rag or paper towel over the entire surface of the smoking chamber to pick up as much standing water as possible. Then, leave the smoker sitting with the door open to give the remaining moisture a chance to evaporate. Once the interior is dry, your smoker will be ready for another round of perfectly slow-cooked meats! If you’re short on time or don’t want to go to the trouble of drying the smoker by hand, simply open the door and let time take care of the rest. Keeping the exterior of the smoker clean is as easy as wiping it down with a wet cloth from time to time.

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