How to Use an Exercise Ball (or, Yoga Ball) As a Chair
How to Use an Exercise Ball (or, Yoga Ball) As a Chair
Recently, the yoga ball has moved out of the gym and into the home and office. People are using the ball as a chair in order to strengthen core muscles. Exercise balls are less rigid and more comfortable than most chairs, and you also can move around a bit on it to take some pressure off your body in certain positions. This is called "active sitting" because your muscles are engaged. Using the wrong techniques with a yoga ball may do you more harm than good. This article will tell you how to use an exercise ball as a chair. [1]
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Things You Should Know
  • Yoga balls are thought to improve your posture and give you more balance and energy. It's also easy to transition into core exercises from the sitting position.
  • That said, using an exercise ball as a chair doesn't engage your muscles without your active participation. They also might increase your chance of working injuries.
  • That's why it's important to add time sitting on the exercise ball gradually. It's also important to slope your thighs down and avoid resting your wrists on your keyboard.

Choose the right fitness ball for your height and weight. Measure your current chair and aim to have the diameter of the ball be about 4 inches (10.2 cm) higher than your current chair.

If you are of average weight and you are under 5'3" (160 cm), you should choose a 55 cm (21.7 inch) diameter exercise ball. If you are between 5'3" and 6' (160 and 182.9 cm) you should choose a 65 cm (25.6 inch) diameter exercise ball. If you are over 6 feet (182.9 cm) tall, you should probably use a 75 cm (29.5 inch) diameter exercise ball.

Buy a burst-resistant exercise ball. These balls have an extra strong layer between the inside cavity and the environment. Offices and homes often have sharp objects like scissors, staples, paper clips and other items that can cause an office exercise ball to pop.

Purchase your ball at a store that allows returns if the ball is not the right size. You will not know for sure that the ball will fit your desk and chair until you try it out in your home or office.

Pump up the ball, aiming to pump it up to maximum diameter so that you do not sink too far into the ball.

Sit up straight on the ball with your legs out in front of you. They should be at a 90 degree angle to your thighs and parallel to the ball. At first, you can place your calves in front of you so that they are touching the ball. This will give you added stability while learning to use the ball. Later, you will want to move your calves so they are not touching, which will provide more benefits for your core.

Bend your elbows and place your forearms at a 90 degree angle. Reaching forward slightly, you should be able to rest them on the top of the desk or table. If you are using a computer, make sure it is at a 90 degree angle. If it is not, your neck will be out of alignment with the rest of your spine, and the ball will be less useful in helping your posture.

Practice active sitting. This is the state when your body reacts to the prospect of falling off the ball by tightening your core muscles in your stomach and back. Flex the muscles in your abdomen to add an extra element of exercise.

Use the ball in 20 minute intervals. Do not get rid of your office chair. Just like exercise, it is important to give your muscles rest to prevent muscle fatigue and get the maximum benefit. Work up to 30 minute intervals as you get used to the chair. Doctors do not recommend that you sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time. If you need to get up to change chairs frequently, this will also benefit your spine.

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