How to Use Magic and Enter the Occult
How to Use Magic and Enter the Occult
The Occult is an art which is simultaneously reviled and revered in our society. Full of many mysteries, it has endured the dogmatic protests of intolerant religions and sciences for thousands of years. With this guide, you too can become involved in the mysteries of magic.

Look within. To be successful in magic, you must be fully in tune with your mind and body. Meditate daily if possible to calm the mind.

[[Awaken Your Psychic Power gain an intuitive sense of these things. In the longer term, aim to develop the psychic faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience so that you can be sure of your command of metaphysical forces.

Decide what you want. A good spell should have a well-formed intention so that you know exactly what to expect. Think clearly of what you desire to happen, and be sure that it is realistic. You are not going to call down thunder in your first two months of practice.

Devise a plan. Create a general outline of the steps required to perform your spell. This generally includes the gathering of energy, the focus of the Will , and then the channeling of the energy to your Will, but can also include the summoning of spirits, demons, angels, and godforms, and the drawing of protective circles for the more dangerous acts.

Condense your plan. Apply Occam's Razor to your spell or ritual plan . Make sure that everything you do serves some kind of purpose, so that you aren't distracted. Make sure the steps are specific so that you don't miss something.

Gather materials. Some ritual workings use objects with ritual value as a focus of the mind or a symbol of greater forces at work, while other magic requires only the concentration of your willpower (though this might be harder). If you need objects, be sure to gather them beforehand. Common ritual objects include: candles, swords, wands, cups, discs, pendants, cards, and special robes.

Execute the spell. Go through the steps you outlined meticulously and confidently, then wait for results. Do not be frustrated if nothing happens immediately; even simple spells can take days for the inexperienced, and happen in unexpected ways.

Start a journal that records how the spell was planned, and how it was conducted, then leave space to write any results that might eventually occur. This is the infamous "Book of Shadows."

Practice. The greatest magicians that ever existed devoted their lives to the Occult. The great magicians devoted their lives to practicing magic; you should try to devote at least one hour a day.

Retrospect and Revise. On occasion, turn a critical eye upon yourself and your metaphysical beliefs and practices. Aim to constantly refine yourself into someone worthy of practicing magic, to keep your techniques and practices effective and streamlined, and to never succumb to delusion or obsession.

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