How to Use Online Dating Sites Safely
How to Use Online Dating Sites Safely
It’s a new year again and the chances of meeting someone new are high. Here are some new year tips to assist your online dating experience to ensure you are safe online dating.

Refrain from providing your personal contact details on your profile. Providing your home details i.e. phone number and address on your profile is an easy way for someone to track down where you live or work. Therefore, in the initial stages of online dating keep your personal information to yourself. Once you get to know your date you can determine how much information you would like to provide. Remember, even by discovering your first and last name you can be tracked on social websites. Therefore, try to create a “tag” or nickname that you can use on dating sites. In terms of phone communication, see tip 4.

Trust your instincts. Sometimes you just know when something is not right! It is always important to use common sense, as your instinct is a powerful tool when dating and great way to measure when to build a relationship or turn and run. As you begin to read personal profiles, respond to emails or speak on the phone your instincts will help tell you if something is right or not. If you are in any doubt, be careful, back off, or proceed carefully! Keep in mind that some scammers will play on your sympathy. For instance, a common tactic is for someone to say their spouse died and they have a child, then they'll either directly or indirectly ask you for money.

Use free email accounts. Should you decide to move your date from the anonymous email provided by the majority of online dating services i.e. chocolate [email protected] to providing an email address that isn't your regular one. Sign up for a free Gmail,, or Yahoo!, account that you use just for online dating. Don't put your full name in the “from” field, only your first name or your “tag”. This will protect you from anyone trying to search your normal email address to find out more information about you on social websites.

Use an anonymous phone service to chat via your mobile. When it's time to move your communication to the next level (talking on the phone), never give out your home or work phone number. Either provide a cell phone number, use Skype to communicate, or use an anonymous phone service such as It’s just an added protection barrier until you get to know the person better.

Look for questionable characteristics. As you chat on the phone or via email you may be able to start to pick out characteristics of the other person. Do they seem to be short tempered? Are they controlling? Do they avoid some of your questions? Ask how long ago was their last relationship and how long did it last? If you ask a range of questions can tell you if they are Mr or Mrs Right or if it's time to move on. But try not to be too personal too soon as you don’t want to scare them off!

Request a recent photo. If your contact does not have a photo on their profile request a recent one. It's important for you to get a good look at the person you may eventually meet. Plus your instincts from your communications and their photos may provide you with valuable insight into the person. If a person lies about their photo or profile then that is a red flag to no longer pursue the relationship.

Use paid online dating services. Free online dating services provide a greater opportunity for potentially dangerous individuals. They don't ever have to provide a credit card or other information that identifies them. There is definitely truth to the saying, "you get what you pay for". Use safe dating websites recommendations on facebook or twitter. Alternatively search online for recommended sites from dating magazines.

When you first meet ensure you visit a public place. When it's time to meet up arrange to meet in a public place and provide your own transportation. Never accept an offer to be picked up from your house on the first date. Make sure you tell someone ie a friend, where you are going. Your first meeting will tell you a great deal about the other person. Be thinking about what questions to ask your date on route! Don't give out your address, even if you decide to meet in person. Have your first date in a public place, and don't invite the person to your home until you know them better.

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