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- Pick dares that can easily be proven over text with a screenshot, selfie, or video.
- Use truths to learn more about your crush, friend, or partner. Sometimes, a sincere question is better than a silly one!
- Keep in mind who you’re texting. Don’t send flirtatious truths or scandalous dares to your best friend if you don’t have romantic feelings for them, for instance.
Truth: Who do you like? ????
Dare: DM your crush.
Truth: Have you ever done something illegal?
Dare: Send me a selfie making the funniest face you can.
Truth: What was your worst rejection?
Dare: Send a love letter to a random Instagram follower.
Truth: What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done?
Dare: Post your most embarrassing story on Facebook.
Truth: What’s the grossest thing you’ve done?
Dare: Eat a spoonful of mayonnaise and send me a pic.
Truth: When were you last embarrassed?
Dare: Send me your most embarrassing photo.
Truth: What’s your least favorite food?
Dare: Take a bite out of an onion.
Truth: Do you believe in ghosts?
Dare: Bark like a dog for 1 minute straight ????
Truth: Who’s the last person you texted?
Dare: Send me a screenshot of your last text conversation.
Truth: What’s the biggest lie you’ve told?
Dare: Text a family member, “I have something to tell you.”
Truth: Who’s your celebrity crush?
Dare: Slide into a celebrity’s DMs.
Truth: What’s your ideal date?
Dare: Ask your crush out.
Truth: When was your first kiss?
Dare: Message your first crush, “I still love you.”
Truth: Who would you marry on the spot?
Dare: Text your crush and ask, “Will you marry me?”
Truth: Do you believe in angels?
Dare: Color your front teeth black with eyeliner and take a selfie.
Truth: What’s one thing you would change about yourself?
Dare: Take a video of yourself making a sandwich blindfolded.
Truth: Have you ever made a prank call?
Dare: Prank call your friend and keep me on the line.
Truth: How many selfies do you take a day? ????
Dare: Send an embarrassing selfie to your closest friends.
Truth: What’s the most daring thing you’ve posted online?
Dare: Post the first inspirational quote on Google without context.
Truth: What’s your favorite song?
Dare: Send the lyrics to your favorite song to your mom line by line.
Truth: How many people have you kissed?
Dare: Text a friend pretending to be their mom. ????
Truth: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Dare: Send me a voice memo reenacting your favorite movie scene.
Truth: What’s your biggest regret?
Dare: Tweet something with your eyes closed.
Truth: What would you do if you were invisible?
Dare: Play an air guitar for 5 minutes straight.
Truth: Have you ever eaten something off the floor?
Dare: Mix ketchup and cottage cheese together and take a big bite.
Truth: What’s your greatest fear?
Dare: Try doing a handstand for 1 minute.
Truth: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Dare: Call your ex and give them a piece of your mind.
Truth: What’s the worst hair cut you’ve ever gotten?
Dare: Cut off a piece of your hair. ????
Truth: What’s your go-to takeout order?
Dare: Order me $10 of food delivery.
Truth: Have you ever asked a neighbor for a favor?
Dare: Ask your neighbor for a penny.
Truth: What’s your favorite animal?
Dare: Pretend to be an elephant and send me a video.
Truth: What’s the weirdest text you’ve ever received
Dare: Text someone random and say, “I see ghosts.”
Truth: Do you like spicy foods?
Dare: Record yourself eating the spiciest thing in your house.
Truth: Name the strangest fact you know.
Dare: Watch this weird video and send me your reaction. ????
Truth: What’s a silly thing you used to do as a kid?
Dare: Post an embarrassing photo of yourself on Instagram Stories.
Truth: What’s your favorite joke?
Dare: Text someone a random joke.
Truth: When was the last time you cried with laughter?
Dare: Call Domino’s and pretend to order Pizza Hut.
Truth: Do you think you’re a good singer?
Dare: Record yourself singing a song about butter.
Truth: What’s your phone’s lock screen?
Dare: Make me your lock screen for a week. ????
Truth: Have you ever written a love poem?
Dare: Write me a love poem about my cat.
Truth: Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Dare: Send me a screenshot of the first email in your inbox.
Truth: Who’s someone you pretend to like but don’t?
Dare: Message someone you don’t know that you’re glad you’re friends.
Truth: Have you ever been pulled over?
Dare: Text your mom that you’ve be arrested.
Truth: What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
Dare: Post a hot photo of yourself on Instagram. ????
Truth: What’s the most daring thing you’ve done?
Dare: Shave your arms and send me a pic.
Truth: Have you ever stalked someone on social media?
Dare: Like your crush’s first Instagram post.
Truth: Describe your best kiss.
Dare: Kiss your phone like it’s the love of your life.
Truth: If you had to kiss a family member, who would it be?
Dare: Text your dad that you’re engaged.
Truth: Would you rather hands for feet or feet for hands?
Dare: Try to lick your elbow.
Truth: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Dare: Take a shower with all your clothes on.
Truth: How many people have you hooked up with?
Dare: Send your 5th contact a random GIF.
Truth: Were you ever in a choir?
Dare: Open your window and sing as loud as you can.
Truth: What do you like the most about yourself?
Dare: Post a TikTok doing a silly dance. ????
Truth: Have you ever pretended to be on the phone to avoid someone?
Dare: Walk around the block talking to yourself.
Truth: Peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and banana?
Dare: Brush your teeth with peanut butter and send me a pic.
Truth: What’s your biggest secret?
Dare: Learn the first dance from your TikTok “for you” page.
Truth: If I gave you $100, what would you do with it?
Dare: Draw a beard on your face and take a selfie.
Truth: How many guy contacts are in your phone?
Dare: Text the 10th guy in your contacts that he’s cute.
Truth: How many girl contacts are in your phone?
Dare: Text the 7th girl in your contacts that she’s hot
Truth: Is there anything you’d change about your life?
Dare: Go to an open space and scream.
Truth: Who do you hate the most and why
Dare: Send a GIF to someone with no context.
Truth: Have you ever kissed someone with your eyes open?
Dare: Eat a handful of dry noodles.
Truth: What’s your guilty pleasure?
Dare: Eat an entire chocolate cake by yourself. ????
Truth: What song do you sing in the shower?
Dare: Send your dad the word dad joke you’ve ever heard.
Truth: Have you ever blamed someone for something you did?
Dare: Text a friend, “It’s all your fault!”
Truth: What’s your favorite board game?
Dare: Use an upside down text generator to message your mom. ????
Truth: Do you have any nicknames?
Dare: Call your mom by her first name.
Truth: Describe the wildest dream you’ve ever had.
Dare: Put your clothes on backwards and send me a pic.
Truth: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Dare: Put ice cream toppings on spaghetti and take a bite. ????????
Truth: Are you a morning or night person?
Dare: Set your alarm for 4 AM.
Truth: If you could marry a Disney character, who would it be?
Dare: Confess your love for Donald Duck on social media.
Truth: On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive are you?
Dare: Pour flour on yourself and take a picture.
Truth: On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive am I?
Dare: Send me a pic of your first crush.
Truth: What’s the weirdest food combination you like?
Dare: Eat a pickle dipped in peanut butter. ????
Truth: Ketchup or mustard?
Dare: Eat a spoonful of mustard.
Truth: What is your favorite Halloween costume?
Dare: Wrap your head in toilet paper and say, “I’m a mummy!”
Truth: Were you a cute baby?
Dare: Change your profile picture to a baby picture of yourself.
Truth: What’s the last movie you watched?
Dare: Send me the link of the last YouTube video you watched.
Truth: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Dare: Tell me everything that’s in your wallet/purse.
Truth: What food could you eat for the rest of your life?
Dare: Drink an entire jar of pickle juice.
Truth: When did you start liking me? ????
Dare: Say something great about me in a Facebook update.
Truth: What’s the worst thing an ex has done to you?
Dare: Send a break-up text to someone random.
Truth: When do you feel the most like yourself?
Dare: Call a random number and keep them talking for 3 minutes.
Truth: Who’s your favorite celebrity?
Dare: Take a video of yourself imitating a celebrity.
Truth: What’s the strangest thing you’ve Googled?
Dare: Send me a screenshot of your internet search history.
Truth: What do you like the most about yourself?
Dare: Send me the 73rd photo in your phone.
Truth: Tell me about a time when you were scared.
Dare: Send me your favorite meme.
Truth: Have you ever farted in a public space?
Dare: Crack an egg on your head.
Truth: Describe your wildest weekend.
Dare: Put ice cubes in your mouth and sing a song.
Truth: Would you rather lick your shoe or the sidewalk?
Dare: Lick your foot.
Truth: If you could be a TV character, who would you be?
Dare: Write a funny word on your forehead. ????
Truth: What’s your worst habit?
Dare: Order the first thing Doordash promotes to you.
Truth: If I was in your room, what would I be surprised to find?
Dare: Text your parents, “I messed up.”
Truth: Describe your dream vacation.
Dare: Call me in your best British accent.
Truth: What makes you jealous?
Dare: Video call me and do your best dance.
Truth: What do you like the most about me?
Dare: Put lipstick on with a blindfold on and send me a selfie.
Truth: What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
Dare: Call someone, shout “Boo!” and then hang up.
Truth: What’s your biggest insecurity?
Dare: Stand in front of the mirror and say, “I love you.” ????
Truth: What’s your weirdest habit?
Dare: Rub chocolate on your face and leave it there for 10 minutes.
Truth: Would you rather marry a rich or kind person?
Dare: Record yourself doing 2 minutes a freestyle rap.
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