What Does the ✌️ (Peace) Emoji Mean?
What Does the ✌️ (Peace) Emoji Mean?
The ✌️ (peace) emoji usually symbolizes victory, harmony, and unity, but it can also represent something offensive or naughty—depending on the context of the conversation. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about this iconic hand gesture emoji, including all of its possible meanings and the best ways to use it. We’ll also go over the history of the peace sign, as well similar emojis you can add to spice up your messages.
Things You Should Know
  • The ✌️ (peace) emoji stands for peace, victory, unity, and non-violence.
  • Use ✌️ to show support for a person or cause, or to say goodbye to someone over text.
  • In Britain, the reverse of the peace sign is similar to flipping someone off. Some people also use ✌️ to symbolize sex or female genitalia.

What does the ✌️ (peace) emoji mean?

The ✌️ emoji represents the peace sign or victory hand gesture. Also known as the victory hands emoji, the ✌️ emoji is a symbol of peace, unity, and non-violence. Use it to let people know that you’re cool with something, or to casually end a conversation with your loved ones. When wrapped around text, ✌️ symbolizes air quotes. This conveys sarcasm or irony about what someone has said. In Britain, the reverse of the symbol is an offensive gesture, similar to giving someone the middle finger. Alternatively, some people use the ✌️ emoji to represent female genitalia or masturbation.

How to Use the ✌️ (Peace) Emoji

Drop the ✌️ emoji to show that you’re behind a person or cause. Looking to express solidarity with a social movement or specific group of people? Use ✌️ when making an activist statement online. It’s a simple way to show your support and stand up to injustice, which may encourage others to do the same! “All people deserve peace, love, and respect✌️❤️????” “Please consider donating to this important cause. Peace is possible✌️????️” “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace✌️”

Send ✌️to say goodbye in a text conversation. Since “peace out” is a slang phrase that means “goodbye,” the ✌️ emoji is the perfect way to sign off to a friend, family member, or romantic partner. Use it to politely leave the chat and end the conversation on a positive note. Them: “Okay, I have to go back to work. TTYL!” You: “✌️✌️✌️”

Mock someone’s words by using ✌️ as quotation marks. If someone says something that’s false or distasteful, use the ✌️ emoji to quote them sarcastically. It’s a sassy way to discredit their remarks and poke fun at them, particularly in the world of politics. “The presidential candidate claimed the allegations were ✌️FAKE NEWS✌️” “The CEO announced that he had ✌️no idea✌️ that working conditions were so unsafe in his factories.” “She told me that she ✌️didn’t know she was flirting✌️with my partner…Even though everyone in the room noticed her behavior????”

Use the ✌️ emoji to flip someone off in a subtle way. Is someone insulting you or getting on your nerves? Send them the ✌️ emoji to let out your frustrations! If you’re feeling bold, throw in the ???????? (United Kingdom flag) emoji to hint that you’re giving them the bird. Them: “Your hair looked so crazy in those photos.” You: “Thank you so much for your opinion????????✌️”

Spice up your conversation by sending your crush the ✌️ emoji. Trying to get your love interest all hot and bothered? Send the ✌️ emoji in your next dirty text to crank up the heat. It can be used to represent female genitalia, masturbation, or spread legs. “Let’s get it on tonight✌️????” “Want to have some fun later?✌️????” “Trying to work but can’t stop thinking about your ✌️”

How to Respond to the ✌️ (Peace) Emoji

Drop a ✊ to agree with someone’s stance on something. Throughout history, the raised fist has been a symbol of solidarity and unity against oppression. If your friend partakes in activism online, send them a ✊ to say “I agree with you.” Them: “Children should never have to experience war. Praying for peace this year✌️????” You: “✊✊✊”

Tell them goodbye to politely end the conversation. If someone drops a ✌️ to “peace out” from the chat, reply with a simple “Bye” to affirm you got their message. If you want to be more enthusiastic, send a “TTYL” or “See you soon,” or throw in some fun emojis! Them: “✌️” You: “Talk to you later, bestie!”

Use ???? if your friend is discrediting someone’s remarks. When someone uses ✌️ as air quotes, the steaming tea emoji conveys surprise, shock, or excitement about their statement. It’s another way of saying that they’re “spilling the tea,” or revealing juicy news or gossip about someone. Them: “He told me that he ✌️didn’t mean to stand me up✌️” You: “????????????”

Send ???? to indicate that you got their message. If your friend texts you the British middle finger, fire back with the American version. It’s a sassy and playful way to tease them, plus let them know that you’re unbothered. Them: “Thanks for nothing✌️” You: “Anytime????”

Reply with other sex-related emojis to flirt back. If your romantic interest sends you the ✌️ emoji in a dirty text, respond with other emojis that represent sex. It’s the best way to communicate interest and keep the conversation going. Them: “Can’t wait to see you later✌️????” You: “Me either????????????”

Origins of the Victory Sign

The victory sign became a symbol of unity during World War II. In January 1941, Belgian BBC broadcaster Victor De Lavaleye proposed that the victory sign, made by holding up the index and middle finger, represent victory and unity against the Nazis. This was because the French word for “victory” (victoire) and the Dutch word for “freedom” (vrijheid) both started with the letter V. In the 1970s, the victory sign became a general symbol for peace when people used it to protest against the Vietnam War.

Related Emojis

The ✌️ (peace) emoji is just one of many hand gesture emojis. From the handshake emoji to the heart hands emoji, there are so many ways to express support and agreement with someone. Combine them with ✌️ to add more personality to your message or to put extra emphasis on how you’re feeling. ???? = indicates approval ???? = a greeting, a sign of agreement, or a truce ???? = love, affection, kindness, support, and positivity ???? = celebrating something or showing agreement ???? = means “okay” or “yes, that’s correct” ???? = wishing someone luck

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