Accolades for citys achievers
Accolades for citys achievers
CHENNAI: As International Womens Day was celebrated worldwide, the city also had its share of events.Nandalala Seva Samithi T..

CHENNAI: As International Women’s Day was celebrated worldwide, the city also had its share of events.Nandalala Seva Samithi Trust, founded by Mathioli R Saraswathi, honoured three women with the Nanda Deepam Awards.Dr. Muthu Jayaram, Nephrologist, from Kilpauk and Stanley medical colleges, was awarded for her work treating people with kidney ailments. Radhika Santhanakrishnan, Founder of the NGO Penn Nalam was awarded for her work towards women empowerment and Anitha Guha, Founder Director of Bharanthannajali, for her contribution towards dance.The working women’s wing of AITUC on Thursday organised a demonstration demanding the government scrap the ‘Sumangali Thittam’ in the textile industry.They also pressed for a demand to bring in a separate law for the protection of rights of domestic workers.Vahida Nizam, Secretary, AITUC, TN, extended her support to striking nurses.Anasuya Foundation for Women and Children conducted an awareness programme for women in Pollambakkam and Therambakkam panchayats in Kancheepuram. Pandiyan, field officer from Anasuya, said, “Through street plays and songs and by distribution of pamphlets, we created awareness about personal hygiene post-puberty, sex education and the ill effects of alcohol.” Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Aavin Women Welfare Society, The Women Lawyer’s Association at the High Court also observed women’s day.Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Madras, observed the day by garlanding the statue of Avvaiyar.

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