Bangalore traffic police allegedly assault office-goers for not wearing helmet
Bangalore traffic police allegedly assault office-goers for not wearing helmet
A mobile video shows a scuffle between traffic police personnel and a few people in Indira Nagar.

Bangalore: On Saturday morning, a person who had gone to drop his sister to office was allegedly caught by the Indira Nagar traffic police in Bangalore for not wearing helmet. The boy was asked to pay the penalty. But by then his sister is believed to have seen two people pass by without a helmet and questioned the police on why they weren't caught.

Some of the onlookers also questioned the police officials on this. A mobile video shows a scuffle between the police personnel and a few people. The police have denied that traffic constables manhandled anyone.

Traffic police officers said the mobile video is of the two policemen trying to make one of the onlookers get into the auto to take him to police station. The traffic police complained that the onlooker tried to prevent them from doing their duty and so they were trying to take him to station.

An enquiry is on find out more details.

A counter complaint has been filed against the onlooker for attempting to stop police from discharging their duty.

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