CBSE 10th Result 2018: Tips on How to Select the Right Stream
CBSE 10th Result 2018: Tips on How to Select the Right Stream
Students can check the upcoming CBSE 10th Result 2018, CBSE Class 10 Result 2018, CBSE Result 2018 at the official website of department, The Central Board of Secondary Education is responsible to host the CBSE Result 2018 on its official website

The CBSE Board is releasing the CBSE Result 2018 for Class 10th, CBSE 10th Result 2018 on May 29 (today) at 4 pm. Students can check the upcoming CBSE 10th Result 2018, CBSE Class 10 Result 2018, CBSE Result 2018 at the official website of department, The  Central Board of Secondary Education is responsible to host the CBSE Result 2018 on its official website

There is a lot of thought that goes into selecting the right stream and each candidate faces doubts over whether to go with their favourite subject, choose their major strength, or work based on their future goals. Peer and parental pressure also play a major part in this choice.

1. Science: The most sought-after course in after the Class 10 boards, the main subjects are Physics, Chemistry and Math. Students then have to make a choice between Computer Science and Biology, based on their preference. Choosing the science stream leads to career options like engineering and the medical field

2. Commerce: This stream is related to trade, commerce, business and financial marketing and is the second most sought-after preference, which keeps growing every year. It leads to several well respected career options like chartered accountancy and investment banking.

3. Humanities: The stream with the widest scope in terms of learning, it includes varied subjects like History, Geography, Social Sciences, Literature, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, etc. It can lead to many exciting career opportunities like journalism, literature, social works, and teaching among others.

Students must keep in mind there is no best stream, but only the best choice for them. For this one must look at the big picture and consider your future goals and past performance. Here are a few tips to select the right choice for you:

1. Self-analysis: A student must have awareness of his own interests and strengths. Are you better with numbers or do your interests lie in study of languages? One must also keep in mind which stream choice is likely to bring you success as a professional.

2. Talk to parents and teachers: Sometimes, due to a lack of knowledge, a student can make the wrong decision in a hurry. Talking to your parents and other elders can help you gain from their experience. Teachers, on the other hand, have guided hundreds of students in the past and can guide you based on the success stories of other students that were in your place.

3. Seek professional help: Career counsellors take scientifically designed tests and exercises to gauge your interest and aptitude when you can’t arrive at a decision. They can also talk you through the details of each stream and what the future may hold with each choice.

In the end, choose the stream that appeals to you. Remember, there is no wrong choice and there are many exciting career options waiting for you after every stream.

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