Cooke takes women's cycling road gold
Cooke takes women's cycling road gold
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Welshwoman Nicole Cooke celebrated wildly after ending years of narrow misses and handing Britain their first gold of the Games by winning the women's cycling road race on Sunday.
Sweden's Emma Johansson took the silver medal with Italian Tatiana Guderzo placing third for the bronze.
Cooke, one of the most successful road racer of modern times, claimed an elusive first major international crown after holding off Johansson and Guderzo with a winning sprint on the uphill finish line of the 126km race.
(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed - AFP)first published:August 11, 2008, 11:58 ISTlast updated:August 11, 2008, 11:58 IST 
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20080810Cooke takes women's cycling road gold

Welshwoman Nicole Cooke celebrated wildly after ending years of narrow misses and handing Britain their first gold of the Games by winning the women's cycling road race on Sunday.

Sweden's Emma Johansson took the silver medal with Italian Tatiana Guderzo placing third for the bronze.

Cooke, one of the most successful road racer of modern times, claimed an elusive first major international crown after holding off Johansson and Guderzo with a winning sprint on the uphill finish line of the 126km race.

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