Development in Haryana Has Come to a Standstill, Alleges Bhupinder Singh Hooda
Development in Haryana Has Come to a Standstill, Alleges Bhupinder Singh Hooda
“I have never seen such bad days which Haryana has gone through in the last two years,” Hooda said.

Chandigarh: Development in Haryana has come to a “standstill” and an atmosphere of “despondency” is prevailing among people, who are fed up with the present BJP government in the state, which has “failed on various fronts”, former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda alleged on Friday.

He also claimed that the Centre was “imposing” its crop insurance scheme on the farmers and money was being deducted from their accounts even if they were unwilling to implement the scheme.

The two-time former chief minister, who was accompanied by state Congress leaders, including HS Chattha and Phool Chand Mullana, led a protest march here before handing over a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner which described the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana as “anti-farmer”.

A number of farmers participated in the protest march and demanded that the scheme be withdrawn.

“It’s Kisan Loot Yojna (rob the farmers scheme),” Hooda said and asked the government to pay the premium amount if it considered itself a well-wisher of the farmers.

Slamming the Manohar Lal Khattar-led government, which is scheduled to complete two years in office next month, the Congress leader claimed that development in the state had come to a “standstill”, the law and order situation had “worsened” and an “atmosphere of despondency” prevailed among the public who were “fed up with the incumbent regime”.

“I have never seen such bad days which Haryana has gone through in the last two years,” Hooda said.

He claimed the farmers were in a “bad shape” as they were not even getting remunerative price for their produces and, in some cases, were forced to sell their crops at a rate even lower than the Minimum Support Price (MSP).

Hooda claimed that the Chief Minister had “no control over administration” and the state government kept effecting frequent transfers of bureaucrats, police officers and other officials.

“It seems, he (Khattar) is yet to find the right combination,” he said, adding that these frequent transfers “demoralised” officers who would “stop taking interest in their work”.

Hooda also accused the state government of “targeting political opponents by slapping false cases” to “divert the attention of the public from its own failures on various fronts”.

He alleged that the government was looking at every official with an “eye of suspicion” and thus, the latter always lived in the fear that their phones were being tapped.

“A state of undeclared emergency prevails in the state,” Hooda said.

He took a jibe at the Khattar government saying while it had “no achievements” to its credit, it was quick to change the names of places such as Gurgaon to Gurugram.

He claimed that the names of schemes launched by the previous Congress government in the state were also being changed by the current dispensation.

Hooda claimed that during his 10-year tenure as chief minister, he “never targeted” anybody and “never believed in political vendetta”, yet he was the target of both the BJP and the main opposition in Haryana, the INLD.

“Those in the BJP consider me a hurdle in their way. They think that if they can have me out of their way, nobody will be left to raise the people’s voice. But, they are grossly mistaken and this dream of theirs will never be fulfilled. I will continue to fight for the people by raising their voice,” said Hooda.

The former chief minister has been claiming that the BJP government has unleashed political vendetta against him after its action in various cases, including the one related to Panchkula industrial plots allotment

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