Efforts to improve interior roads underway
Efforts to improve interior roads underway

In its move to keep its promise of improving the state of roads in Chennai before the onset of the storm season, the Chennai Corporation has announced that it would open tenders on August 10 for the laying of 1,105 roads. These roads are all interior roads and are around half of the all the interior roads that the civic body is rushing to get laid before the rains.

All 1,105 roads for which the Corporation will open tender on August 10 are to be laid as plastic roads, and will involve work in 14 of the Corporation’s 15 zones. The estimated cost of this undertaking is `100.21 crore. In total, these roads would measure 245.16 km in length. The entire project is to be divided into 42 packages and handed out to contractors.

“These bitumen roads will contain plastic, which will increase their durability. Our goal is to finish laying all of them before the rains. We have instructions to rush the work and also ensure quality. We have also been asked to keep a tight leash on giving permissions for the digging up of these roads soon after they are laid,” said a Corporation official.

The 1,105 plastic roads are part of the civic body’s project to improve the overall interior road network in the city.

Another part of this project will be the 1,084 concrete interior roads that the Corporation is set to lay. Sources have said the date for the opening tenders for the concrete roads have not yet been finalised, but can be expected around August 20. A sum of `90 crore has been earmarked for the laying of 181 km of the concrete roads.

Both the plastic roads and the concrete road sections of the Corporation’s interior roads project place a greater stress on the road network in areas that have recently been brought under the civic body, even as attention is being paid to the older part of the city.

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