Gurgaon now turning into a hub of diseases
Gurgaon now turning into a hub of diseases
Garbage dump; three deaths and 554 dengue cases have been reported.

Gurgaon: The unabated onslaught of the dengue virus has affected Gurgaon the worst in the national capital region. The spread of dengue continues unabated in 'Millenium City'.

Three deaths and 554 dengue cases have been reported so far, though the unofficial figures are as much as five times higher.

“At times proper investigation does not happen as exact tests are not done or patients do not come in time,” says Dr. Devender Kr Singh, of the Aryan Hospital


Not just dengue, but respiratory diseases and stomach infections are also on the rise; especially for the residents of DLFand it’s the infrastructure that's to blame.

For the last two years the residents of the area have been putting up with this the foul smell of garbage, but it's now taken life threatening proportions.

The present garbage disposal site is spread over 60 acres and is a protected forest land. But according to residents, the municipal corporation of Gurgaon in conjunction with HUDA dump more than 325 tonnes i.e. around 1,000 trucks of garbage everyday.

Right now, authorities need to do reality check to save lives and to save Gurgaon from becoming a hub of diseases.

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