India abstains from voting on Syria resolution
India abstains from voting on Syria resolution
The resolution, which calls for a political transition, was however passed by 107 votes.

United Nations: India abstained from voting on the Arab-backed, US supported resolution on Syria in the UN General Assembly, which called for a political transition. India was joined by 58 other countries who abstained in General Assembly voting on the non-binding resolution, which was passed by 107 votes on Wednesday. Twelve countries, including Russia voted against it. In August 2012, a similar resolution had received 133 votes. Pakistan voted in favor of the resolution, in a significant change from its previous position.

Explaining on India's decision to abstain on the resolution, the Indian Ambassador to the UN, Asoke Kumar Mukerji, cautioned the members of the General Assembly that unilateral action of any kind will not resolve the crisis. "It will only exacerbate the problem and cause greater instability and violence even beyond Syria's borders," he said.

"Whether a group, any group, is the legitimate representative of the Syrian people or not can only be determined by the Syrian people, not this Assembly," Mukerji stressed. "Therefore certain provisions of this resolution can be interpreted as effecting regime change by sleight of hand. This is a dangerous precedent which we cannot acquiesce in...We would once again reiterate our position that the leadership of Syria is a matter for Syrians to decide themselves," said the Indian Ambassador.

In his remarks, Mukerji said at the Joint Communique of the Geneva Action Group adopted in June 2012 provides a good basis for resolution of the Syrian crisis through a Syrian led political process that respects Syria's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty, involves all sections of Syrian society ad meet their legitimate aspirations.

"Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, India has consistently called on all parties to abjure violence, dissociate themselves from terrorist groups, and pursue a peaceful and inclusive political process to address the grievances of all sections of Syrian society. "We have also contributed to mitigate the humanitarian impact of the crisis by providing assistance worth $2.5 million," he said.

The UN General Assembly resolution strongly condemns the Syrian Government's increased use of heavy weapons, and also condemns ongoing "widespread and systematic gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms". Supported by 107 countries, the resolution called for rapid progress on a political transition, "which represents the best opportunity to resolve the situation peacefully".

This is the fifth resolution by the UN general Assembly since 2011 after the fighting broke between the ruling Assad regime and the opposition forces. The resolution, which was opposed by Russia and 11 other countries, welcomes establishment of the Syrian National Coalition "as effective interlocutors needed for a political transition". The resolution is not legally binding on the member nations.

In his statement, the Indian Ambassador said New Delhi remains committed to support the efforts of the United Nations, including Joint Special Representative Lakdhar Brahimi, to resolve the Syrian crisis expeditiously through inclusive political dialogue among Syrian parties. "We also welcome the recent decision by the Russian Federation and the United States to convene a meeting of the Action Group with the Syrian parties, and hope that all sides will engage seriously, realistically and unconditionally to resolve the crisis in the interests of the Syrian people, the region and the larger international community," Mukerji added.

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