India asks Pak to act on Sikh-Taliban issue
India asks Pak to act on Sikh-Taliban issue
Taliban is now targeting the Sikh population in NWFP.

New Delhi: India wants Pakistani authorities to take action against the Taliban, that continues to terrorise the Sikh population in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) over in Pakistan.

Hundered and fifty Sikh and Hindu families from the Orakzai Agency in Pakistan's NWFP have taken refuge in Gurudwara Panja Sahib near Rawalpindi. Their homes have been demolished and their valuables auctioned by the Taliban fighters of Beitullah Mehsud. All this, for failure to pay nearly $ 200,000 in jaziya (tax).

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh warned Pakistan, that they have a duty to ensure the safety of Sikhs.

But Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal is outraged by the treatment of Sikhs in the NWFP

"I have written that our Sikh brothers in Pakistan should be given security. If there is no security for them arrangements should be made to bring them to India," said Badal.

With elections a few days away this has become an electoral issue in Punjab. And the Prime Minister's intervention is being demanded.

"The Prime Minister should write to his counterpart in Pakistan and tell him to provide security for our Sikh brothers," demanded Badal.

Pakistan dismissed expressions of concern by the Indian foreign office, saying the Sikhs are Pakistani citizens. But the US State Department had something to say on that score.

Spokesman Robert Wood said, "It doesn't surprise me. Taliban are ruthless killers. This is why it's important that we, the international community, cooperate in trying to rid this region of these extremists. And the sooner we can accomplish that mission, the better,"

The Sikhs now in Panja Sahib are hopeful the current phase of military operations will enable them to return to their homes. But even if the operations are successful it's doubtful if the trend towards implementing Islamic Sharia law in the NWFP can ever be reversed. The Sikhs may never be able to return home.

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