Nine heads found on Iraq highway
Nine heads found on Iraq highway
Iraqi police found nine heads on Tuesday morning along a highway in the town of Hadid, about 13 km west of Baquba.

Baghdad: Iraqi police found nine heads on Tuesday morning along a highway in the town of Hadid, about 13 km west of Baquba, police and hospital officials said.

According to authorities, the heads were wrapped in black plastic bags and shoved into fruit boxes. Their identities could not be immediate confirmed.

It was the second such discovery in four days.

On Saturday, eight other heads were found in Hadid and had also been stuffed into fruit boxes.

Hadid is located about 60 km north of Baghdad.

Also on Tuesday, a roadside bomb exploded at Allawi bus station in central Baghdad, killing a woman and wounding a child, Iraqi police said.

Police said the blast was targeting a passing US military convoy.

Three mortar rounds landed at the Nadha bus station in central Baghdad late Tuesday morning, killing two civilians and wounding seven others, police said.

The bus facility is near the Iraqi Interior Ministry and police said the compound was the target of the attack.

Gunmen also shot and killed a Baghdad neighborhood council member and two of his bodyguards Tuesday morning, an Interior Ministry official said.

According to the official, Sha'ban Nidham was traveling by car in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Jihad when gunmen opened fired on the vehicle.

Meanwhile, there has been no word on the fate of 50 people kidnapped on Monday in Baghdad.

Gunmen posing as Iraqi police commandos raided three transportation companies and kidnapped the 50 people, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.

The kidnappers were wearing police commando uniforms and driving at least 13 vehicles with Iraqi police markings, the official said.

Some of those taken captive were passengers on a bus that was about to depart for Syria or Jordan and included two Syrians, the official said. Office workers and bus company employees also were kidnapped, he said.

The Iraqi owner of a transportation company and his two sons were among those abducted, the official added.

Officials said the raid, which took at least an hour to complete, began on a street in central Baghdad's Salihiya district.

An official with the prime minister's office said no official police operation was under way at the time.

It is unclear why Iraqi police did not notice the raid happening on a busy street in the capital.

A series of incidents in which terrorists posed as police spurred the Iraqi government months ago to say that it would reissue police uniforms to make them harder to copy, but it hasn't acted on the issue.

"Fake uniforms can easily be purchased on the street," officials said.

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