Onus to check liquor may fall on Panchayat, SHGs
Onus to check liquor may fall on Panchayat, SHGs
BANGALORE: Ministers Jagadish Shettar and C C Patil have expressed in principle support to the forces leading the anti-liquor mo..

BANGALORE: Ministers Jagadish Shettar and C C Patil have expressed “in principle” support to the forces leading the anti-liquor movement by agreeing to sensitise the gram panchayat members and women Self Help Groups (SHGs) in curbing the illicit sale of hooch and liquor by persons in villages. Both Shettar and Patil told Express that they will convene a meeting with top officials of their departments shortly to work out the modalities for issuing directions to GP members and SHGs to prevail upon them to work against the sale of illicit liquor and also curb the menace of unlawful sub-agents appointed by wine merchants in various villages. “I have seen the Express report on the issue. I agree that the elected representatives at the grassroot level have a great responsibility towards maintaining the moral and physical health of the society. I will discuss with the officials and study how the GP members can be made aware of their duties and responsibilities,” Shettar said, while speaking to Express from Mysore. The RDPR minister, however, said he was not aware of the existence of the system of appointing unlawful members as sub-agents by wine merchants to increase the sale of liquor. “I will hold a detailed discussion with top officials on the issue shortly,” Shettar added. Patil said he will also discuss with the officials and see how women SHGs can be sensitised on the issue of stopping the indiscriminate of liquor by unlawful agents. “In many places, Stree Shakti Sanghas have been successful in getting the illegal arrack centres closed. But sale of liquor by sub-agents who are unlawfully appointed by wine merchants is a new phenomenon.” The two refused to be drawn into the debate whether or not it is morally correct to increase the sale of liquor in order to increase the excise revenue.

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