Otteri lake to get new borewells
Otteri lake to get new borewells

The Vellore Corporation has planned to implement several projects at the Otteri irrigation lake, on the outskirt of the city,  to augment water supply to residential areas in the Corporation limits.

A resolution seeking the nod of the State government to instal three borewells at the lake at a cost of Rs 19.67 lakh was passed during a Corporation council meeting held recently. “The proposed three borewells are expected to yield 2 million litres (MLD) per day,” said corporation engineer E Devakumar.

“The existing thirteen 300-ft deep borewells in the lake had been generating additional water in the recent past. Five of them have gone dry and we would re-bore three of them. The others have to be deepened to 500 feet, to extract more water,” said Devakumar. He said the lake had been supplying water since 1907. It was generating around 20 lakh litres of water per day. But the supply had gradually reduced and the yield had come down to around 6 lakh litres per day.

Devakumar further said, “Slow sand filtration method is used to treat the raw water and convert it into potable water. ”

Apart from the proposed three bore wells, the Corporation had recently installed one borewell a few days ago and was planning to install two more borewells at the lake, he informed.

These bore wells would be used to supply water to the nearby villages of Otteri, which had been added to the Vellore Corporation limit, Devakumar added further.

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