Sreerag had planned davids supari
Sreerag had planned davids supari
BANGALORE: The probe into Sreerags death is revealing many  startling details, the police said. Sources from the investigati..

BANGALORE: The probe into Sreerag’s death is revealing many  startling details, the police said. Sources from the investigating team informed that Sreerag, who was in love with Jennifer, was extremely eager to marry her. According to sources,  he had planned to eliminate David, who in reality does not exist.“After Jennifer sent him the photo of David and told Sreerag that she was getting married to him, Sreerag had planned David’ murder. He had decided to give supari (contract) for David’s murder and had allegedly contacted local gangsters. He had managed to contact them through Internet and friends, and had a few rounds of talks with them over the phone. He had reportedly promised them hefty money, besides arranging passports and visa to reach UK to kill David,” the source said.“He had planned to meet them and give them David's photo. When the gangsters asked him to meet them at  an isolated place, Sreerag was scared and dropped the plan. His friends revealed this information during investigations. His emails and call details also indicate the same,” the official sources added.

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