Luckiest Houseplants For You, As Per Your Zodiac Sign
Luckiest Houseplants For You, As Per Your Zodiac Sign
We will help you select the luckiest houseplants as per your Zodiac sign 

If you want to enhance the beauty of your living space, what else is better than having plants? But what if I tell you that there are plants according to your zodiac that can even enhance your wealth and prosperity? So let’s check out the list of the luckiest houseplants for you, as per your Zodiac sign, that can align with your cosmic energy and balance energy. Mahi Kashyap, CEO & Founder, Vedic Meet shares a list of the luckiest houseplants for you as per your zodiac signs:

Benefits of house plants

If you want to add a touch of the outside world, then adding houseplants is a good option for you. This will help you to feel connected and grounded with nature. Do you need clarification? Don’t worry. We will help you select the luckiest houseplants as per your Zodiac sign

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

If you are one of these earthy signs, then you must be stable and grounded; thus, you love your plants more than anything else. These people usually feel more homely when they are near mother nature, so have those plants that can match your energy level.

Money Plant

If you ever meet any earthy sign person, you must have noticed that they love security, especially in terms of money. It is believed that the Money Plant attracts wealth and good fortune, and the plus point is that these plants are very low-maintenance, so you don’t need to make extra efforts to grow them. So they are perfect for Taurus and Virgo.

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is best suited for Capricorn. They are tough and resilient. They survive in dim light and don’t require much water, so this plant is perfect for those who are more concerned with long-term success than constant nurturing. 

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs are those who feel things more than others. They’re intuitive, emotional, and soft-hearted. Flat-leaf plants go well with Water signs people because they can resonate with their fluidity and capacity for growth and transformation.

Peace Lily

Water signs people love harmony and tranquility. The Peace Lily plant has all the qualities that go with the water sign, and the beauty of this plant blooms in the environment along with its air-purifying properties.

Bamboo Plant

The Bamboo is the most flexible plant, yet very strong, much like a Scorpion, which is emotional as well as fiercely resilient. It’s also for its attracting quality of luck and peace—exactly what a Pisces needs.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire signs are the pioneer of the zodiac list; their energy is always high, full of passion and spontaneity. They should choose a plant that keeps up with their vibrant and loud personalities.


Cactus is famous for its boldness and independent nature, just like fire signs. They survive even harsh conditions and need little water or attention. Perfect for people who are fire

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air signs are very thoughtful, have perfect communication skills, and free spirits. They love intellect, so they should choose those plants that are as interesting as them.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is perfect for air signs. The way they love beauty and hormones that will only be fulfilled by this plant always gives back, and there is no need to mention it, but it looks pretty cool, too.

Always keep in mind that astrology is all about beliefs and fun, so please accept these truths with a hint of thought.

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