Mindfulness: What’s the Point of Posting Pictures If You Don’t Mean It?
Mindfulness: What’s the Point of Posting Pictures If You Don’t Mean It?
Once a person asked me during a live chat, what can be the simplest definition of love? It is not easy to give one answer, so I said, “Love is also about not transferring our responsibilities.”

There is no single definition of love. It has several colours. In a simple way, we can say that love makes our mind liberal, tolerant, affectionate and responsible.

Once a person asked me during a live chat, what can be the simplest definition of love? It is not easy to give one answer, so I said, “Love is also about not transferring our responsibilities.”

I would like to make a special mention of prudent reader of Mindfulness and my friend, Ravindra Prasad Mishra. He is one of those who never transfer their responsibilities irrespective of difficulties. Several times in life, we find that people claiming themselves to be responsible try to find the safe path. But, Ravindra never leaves his path. Happiness is his permanent emotion.

No big achievement is possible without a happy mind. Without happiness, mind cannot be liberal and affectionate.

When in this era of coronavirus pandemic, people fear hospitals, Ravindra remained with his son by taking all risks. He never asks anyone to share his responsibility. He does it so quietly that even his close ones don’t get to know about his works.

People want to be noticed in this era of social media. They never forget to share their pictures on Facebook and Instagram. But there is a world beyond that. The more sublime we become, the more deep rooted we will be in real life. Nothing except love and humanity is permanent.

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