100th Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi Invites Sunil Jaglan, Man Behind 'Selfie with Daughters' campaign
100th Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi Invites Sunil Jaglan, Man Behind 'Selfie with Daughters' campaign
Sunil Jaglan, the man behind the 'Selfie with Daughter' initiative, on the other hand, credits PM Modi’s Mann Ki Baat for the success of his campaign

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the 100th episode of his monthly radio programme ‘Mann Ki Baat’ and remembered the impact of gender activist Sunil Jaglan’s ‘Selfie with Daughters’ campaign on him.

Jaglan, who joined PM Modi as a guest on the 100th episode, earlier, credited Prime Minister Modi for the success of his campaign as well as the growth of his crusade.

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Talking about Jaglan, PM Modi said that since he started his famous ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign from Haryana due to the worrisome gender ratio disparity in the state, Jaglan’s unique campaign that called for fathers to click and post selfies with their daughter had a huge impact on his mind as well as the campaign.

Sunil Jaglan, the man behind the ‘Selfie with Daughter’ initiative, on the other hand, credits PM Modi’s Mann Ki Baat for the success of his campaign. The initiative was launched in a small village in Haryana about eight years ago to raise awareness about ills like female foeticide and has gradually snowballed into a success.

Jaglan, who joined PM Modi in the conversation, thanked him for promoting his campaign and emphasised that Haryana saw a drastic change in the gender ratio since the advent of the initiative. He is the former Sarpanch of Bibipur village in Jind.

Under the campaign, Jaglan urged people to take photographs with their daughters and upload them on social media. He later created a dedicated website for the initiative where people could share selfies with their daughters.

“I feel the campaign has had some positive impact in my district and some other places as well and has helped bring a change in the people’s mindset towards the girl child,” he said.

The activist said he has created an online museum too where people can post selfies with their daughters.

“During the last eight years, we have received selfies from 80 countries. Many of these selfies were posted by prominent personalities from the world of cinema, sports, and politics,” he said.

Father of two minor daughters, Jaglan has been working for women empowerment and village development for the past several years with a focus on female foeticide.

On PM Modi’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, Jaglan said, “I would say the ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ campaign has had a tremendous impact in Haryana and helped improve the skewed sex ratio,” he said.

(With PTI inputs)

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