Hustle Culture Impacts Your Heart Health: What You Must Do To Break Away From It
Hustle Culture Impacts Your Heart Health: What You Must Do To Break Away From It
Hustle culture is growing rapidly and those who are working extra hours may have a greater risk of getting cardiac arrest.

There has been a rising trend of heart attacks and sudden deaths among young people in recent years. In today’s era, there is a lot of competition among people to get success. But those who are working extra hours have a greater risk of stroke and cardiac arrest. Many are following this culture and work for long durations. Because of this, mental and physical health is getting badly affected. This trend of overwork is called Hustle Culture. According to experts, this culture is growing rapidly in megacities and is proving dangerous for our health. It has a bad effect on cardiovascular health and can also make you a heart patient.

Dr Vanita Arora, Senior Cardiologist, at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, says that the hustle culture harms our heart health. Despite the paucity of time, people working for extra hours are taking more stress, risking a heart attack. When you are working under stress, the arteries that supply blood to your heart are badly affected and the risk of interruption in blood supply can also increase.

Risk of stress cardiomyopathy:

According to Dr Vanita Arora, in Hustle Culture, you work for long hours, which leads to excessive stress. Many people may even become victims of stress cardiomyopathy due to stress. The heart muscles become weak and the functioning of the heart also takes a hit. This condition is completely reversible. To get rid of this problem you need to manage and reduce your stress level. However, it is important to consult a cardiologist at the right time.

Do professional work in a given time

According to the health expert, Hustle Culture is the culture of multinational and corporate companies and we are following America and Europe to adopt this fast culture. However, everyone needs to manage their professional and personal life. If you spend all your time in professional work, then not only your personal life but your health also suffers. You should avoid this. You must do professional work in a fixed time. Every day, you must take time for yourself, and do yoga, meditation, and exercises to relax your mind. This may help you keep your health better and can also prevent several diseases.

Do not bring office work home

According to Dr Vanita Arora, there is a lot of competition in the corporate sector. Employees of the company compete with each other to be successful and start doing extra work under pressure. Sometimes you even bring your office work home and due to this, you are not able to pay attention to your health. It is necessary that you look after yourself and not let the competition overpower you.

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