Adequate security at rail stations facing threat: Bansal
Adequate security at rail stations facing threat: Bansal
Pawan Kumar Bansal said that security apparatus at railways stations was sufficient to take on any possible militant attack.

Chandigarh: The government has taken serious note of "possible threats" to certain railway stations and adequate security arrangements have been made there, Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal said on Sunday.

"The government has taken a serious note of possible threats to certain railway stations and these have been put on high alert," Bansal said.

He was responding to reports that five railway stations - Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Pratapgarh and Mirzapur - were recced by two alleged LeT operatives.

The minister said security has been intensified at railway stations to thwart the designs of terrorist organisations. He also made it clear that security apparatus at railways stations was sufficient to take on any possible militant attack.

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