How to Understand Gen Z
How to Understand Gen Z
If you find yourself lost when your kids or younger siblings crack jokes or make references, you’re not alone. The kids born between 1997 and 2015 are often referred to as Generation Z.[1]
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As with most young generations, the adults in their lives often struggle to understand their humor, political views, and plans for the future. However, Gen Z isn’t so different from us, especially if you look at what they’ve been through already in their short lives. If you’d like to understand Gen Z a little bit more, read through these facts to see what this generation is thinking and why they do the things they do.

Acknowledge their diverse backgrounds.

Gen Z is the most racially diverse population in the U.S. Around 52% of Gen Z is white, and the rest of Gen Z is racially and ethnically diverse. They are no strangers to meeting people who are different from them, which often leads to more acceptance and less hate. In order to get along with Gen Z, you’ll need to be open to being around people from all different backgrounds, economic statuses, and cultures. In populations around the world, the numbers vary slightly, but still lean toward a diverse crowd.

Respect their side hustles.

Many Gen Zers have a business going on the side. With the job market constantly ebbing and flowing, Gen Z has decided to take their income into their own hands. Small businesses, art portfolios, and money-making opportunities are all over, with many people from Gen Z making money online. Try not to trivialize these opportunities, and instead encourage Gen Zers to branch out and do what they love. Selling homemade goods on sites like Etsy is also very popular. While this is true of many people from Gen Z, not everyone wants to own their own business. A lot of kids just want financial stability, and they’ll go about it any way they can.

Encourage their social activity online.

They were born into the social media age, after all. Yes, the rumors are true: most Gen Zers are plugged into their phones or computers for most of the day. While taking a break from screen time is always good, most Gen Zers aren’t just aimlessly scrolling—they’re making connections, chatting with friends, and taking in new info. The online footprint of Gen Z has only increased in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. With so many of them having to stay home to do online school, heading to social media was one of the only ways they could get any social interaction that day. As with most facts about Gen Z, being overly online doesn’t apply to everyone. Some kids aren’t a fan of social media, even if all their friends are.

Support their human connections.

Gen Z doesn’t want to text or DM all the time. In fact, studies show that the majority of Gen Z prefers face-to-face communication to online chats, this is especially true when they’re talking to their friends or loved ones. If your child or younger sibling wants a ride to a friend’s house, be open and willing to help them out. While video chatting is fun, nothing beats hanging out with your friends or family members in person.

Encourage them to learn about new technology.

They’re no strangers to learning new things. In fact, they often seek out technology that can help them do simple tasks much easier. If you run a business and you’re planning on hiring this generation, be prepared to update your tech to match their skill sets. Gen Z can probably also teach you a thing or two about new technology. They’re used to learning new stuff, and they might also do it in their free time.

Try to give them feedback as quickly as you can.

Many Gen Zers are used to instant gratification. If you’re a teacher, you might have experienced students asking for their grades mere hours after they submit an assignment. Don’t be nervous—they’re usually just excited! Instant feedback isn’t always an option. If you’re in that position and get asked for feedback too quickly, gently remind them of your workload and give them a realistic timeline.

Respect their wishes to own a home and a car.

In general, Gen Zers want the same things we all do. A steady income, a nice home, and a reliable vehicle are goals for many of them. They know that mortgages and auto loans often come with high interest rates, and many have vowed to save up their money instead of taking out high-interest loans. There’s a huge misconception that younger generations don’t want to “settle down.” The truth is that many of them do, but with housing prices skyrocketing, they just can’t afford it yet.

Talk about current events with them.

Their online presences tune them into a lot. While they might not look at traditional news sources (like cable TV), they know a lot about politics and legislation. Many Gen Zers are very passionate about human rights, climate change, and racial justice, and they aren’t afraid to speak out, either. Most members of Gen Z are fairly similar to Millennials in their political views.

Support their mental health struggles.

Depression and anxiety have skyrocketed in recent years. In fact, one study shows that depression and suicide rates in teen girls have increased by 150% in the last 10 years. If you know someone in Gen Z who struggles with mental health issues, let them know that you’re here to talk or help if they ever need it. Gen Z is also more open to talking about mental health with their friends and family members.

Be willing to talk about social change.

Most of them see social change as a good thing. Polls show that around half of Gen Zers think that legalizing gay marriage is a good thing, compared to 1/3 of Gen Xers and 1/4 of Boomers. Gen Z is more likely to take a stance for social change, so they might be more open to having a discussion about it with you. Gen Z is also more likely to get involved with social change by going to protests and signing petitions.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand their jokes.

Their humor is very ironic (and a little absurd). Gen Z humor is constantly evolving, and being online means they can stay up to date on jokes even more. Dark humor is very popular with Gen Z, and many of them say it helps them deal with trauma and stressful situations. Unfortunately, Gen Z has been exposed to a lot of gun violence already. Many of them use dark humor to cope with that fact. There are also usually layers to their humor that might go back years. Oftentimes, jokes will reference a meme from 10 years ago, a video posted 2 days ago, and an ironic twist that they just came up with. If it sounds complicated, that’s because it is!

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