'Bush and Blair should be jailed'
'Bush and Blair should be jailed'
British politician George Galloway said that US President George W Bush and British PM Tony Blair should be sent to jail.

Havana: Outspoken British politician George Galloway told a Cuban TV audience Friday that US President George W Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair were ''drowning in an ocean of lies'' and should be sent to jail.

Appearing on the communist government's daily public-affairs program ''Mesa Redonda,'' or ''Round Table,'' Galloway said the American and British leaders should be punished for their roles in the Iraq war.

''Tony Blair should be in jail right next to George Bush,'' he said. Those two ''are drowning in an ocean of lies, in a wave of bloodshed.''

Galloway did not repeat or address remarks published Friday by GQ magazine, which reported that he said it would be ''morally justified'' for an assassin to target Blair for supporting the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.

The lawmaker, who formed the Respect Party after he was thrown out of the Labor Party for urging British soldiers not to fight in Iraq, also appeared Wednesday on the program, alongside Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Galloway praised Castro as a ''lion'' of world politics and defended him against a Forbes magazine report naming him one of the world's wealthiest rulers.

Galloway has been the target of accusations that former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's government allocated millions of barrels of oil in his name as part of a fraud in the prewar U.N. oil-for-food program.

Investigators of the program and a US Senate subcommittee inquiry both accused him of receiving money. He has denied the allegations.

Galloway continued praising Castro Friday, saying that unlike Bush, the Cuban leader could walk down any street in the world without fear.

''I hope the Cuban people know that Cuba has friends all over the world,'' he said.

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