Drama class revived at Model School
Drama class revived at Model School
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The usual measured hubbub that fills the morning hours at the Government Model School, Thycaud, gave way for s..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The usual measured hubbub that fills the morning hours at the Government Model School, Thycaud, gave way for some uncharacteristic vocal expressions on Wednesday. Inside one of the classrooms in the school, a middle-aged man with wavy, long hair stood encircled by a gang of boys who howled, shouted and cheered in the loudest of their pitch. Not even their teachers bothered to intervene as they seated themselves like mute spectators in the classroom. It was the first day of ‘Nataka Kalari’ for the students of Model School. The man who led the class, D Reghuthamman, had asked them to give their loudest cheers and howls in groups as part of their drama class and the children obliged him with pleasure. The veteran dramatist initially had a tough time bringing some calm to a group of chirruping lads. ‘’This is your play time. But there are certain rules which you can’t ignore,’’ Reghuthamman kept reminding his students while taking them, step by step, through different phases of acting and aesthetics related to drama. It is after a considerable time span, the drama is being revived at Model School, which has always produced gems in the field of film and drama.  From now on, Nataka Kalari will be conducted at the Model School every week by Reghuthamman. ‘’Drama is a wonderful medium for developing the personality of students. This is not just about enhancing your creative skills in acting and dramatic presentation. It is all about sharing and co-operation which are very essential for any growing child,’’ said Reghuthamman. On the first day, the students from class V to XII participated in the drama class. The children went through basic lessons in drama and brief sessions of story-telling. K V Pramod, a teacher at Model School, said that the students are extremely excited about the venture. ‘’This is a school which has always promoted art. That is why we have decided to begin a drama workshop for the students and the response from the children has been really heartening,’’ he said.

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