Coronavirus Outbreak: WHO Lists Measures to Take for Protection from Deadly Virus
Coronavirus Outbreak: WHO Lists Measures to Take for Protection from Deadly Virus
As the world is grappling with the deadly virus, here are some basic protective measures advised by the WHO.

Amid the growing cases of coronavirus, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued some measures for protection from the deadly disease. WHO has asked people across the world to stay aware of the latest developments on the COVID-19 outbreak through its website and advisories issued by national and local public health authorities.

Coronavirus, which originated from China’s Wuhan, has spread to nearly 60 countries. Two more cases of coronavirus were reported in India on March 2, one of which was in Delhi and the other in Telangana. Kerala had in February reported three cases of the deadly virus.

As the world is grappling with the deadly virus, here are some basic protective measures advised by the WHO.

Washing hands: You should wash your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. Washing hands properly kills virus.

Maintain distance from infected people: If somebody is coughing or sneezing, try to maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from them. When somebody sneezes or coughs, they release small liquid droplets into the air, and if you are in their vicinity you may inhale the droplets.

Refrain from touching eyes or nose: Throughout the day you touch various objects which may contain the virus. So, if you touch your eyes, nose or mouth after touching such objects, you may also contract the virus.

Cover your mouth and nose: If you are suffering from infection, cover your mouth or nose while sneezing or coughing. This practice will prevent people around you from catching te infection.

Visit a doctor: If you are suffering from cold and fever, seek medical advice at the earliest. This will prevent things from worsening further.

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